Lesson 5: Community

Finishing up my 5 lessons I’ve learned in 5 years selling real estate with what I think may be the most important lesson so far— COMMUNITY.

Tribe. Gang. Crew. Pack. Community. Call it what you want but the one you choose to be a part of is one of the most important choices that we have to make in life, love, and business.

In my business, finding my community has been a struggle for me in the last 5 years. I have been blessed enough to be coached, trained, and cultivated by some of the best in the business, but I have to be honest. I mean this is my blog to openly share right? 😉

I have found it difficult being a strong woman in this industry. Plain and simple. I have had to learn how to know when something is a good fit and when it’s not, and have had to be brave and confident enough in myself to walk away from environments that were not helping me grow as a businesswoman and person. I have at times felt guilty for making a decision that was the best for me. How backwards is that?! Trusting my intuition and stepping into spaces that were going to help me grow has been one of the best decisions I have made even if the process of getting here was difficult.

Real estate is by nature a competitive industry, but there is so much value in finding a team to work alongside that helps you grow. What a gift to be able to lock arms with people who know your struggles all too well, but care about you too much to let you stay in them.  I have learned the importance of being in alignment with the company I work for and the people I serve alongside and I could not be happier to be in the community I am in now! I find myself working with a bunch of top-producing agents who are not only go-getters but really great people. It is a game changer to be around other entrepreneurs who share your same ambition and cause to to level up in ALL areas of your life.

We are who we surround ourselves with. Choose wisely.