Lesson 4: Contribution

“Success is not a function of the size of your title but the richness of your contribution.” -Robin Sharma.

In the early years of my business I realized that I needed to have a bigger “why”. If you have been around personal development for any amount of time I am sure you have heard the importance of being rooted in a strong WHY. Your WHY is what gets you up in the morning, pushes you to make those scary phone calls, and helps you burn the midnight oil at the office until the job is done. It is your guiding light in the storm and the anchor that pulls you back to your purpose.

This realization that I needed a bigger WHY leads me to lesson #4 I have learned in real estate : the value of CONTRIBUTION. One of the biggest WHY’s in my life is contribution. It has become a pillar of my business, my life, and I hope one day, my legacy. Contribution to me means to live life with purpose— never losing sight of the fact that there is so much more to life than just us. For me, contribution looks like losing myself in constant service of the clients I represent, the friends and family I am surrounded with, and the people God places along my path. It also means being involved in my community by giving back to those in need and being an active member of my church serving alongside fellow believers.

The art of contribution for me is living by giving, rising by lifting others, and being the light in dark places. I am so grateful to have a business that allows me to perfect this art everyday.

XO Mack