Rodney + Jayme


I met Rodney and Jayme through a mutual friend (and Mack Advantage past client!) and knew instantly that we were going to have some fun looking for their new home. Rodney and Jayme were not only absolutely hilarious and so kind, but they were crystal clear on what they wanted in a home. Talk about ~dream~ clients! They were selling their home and looking for their dream home in the Woodward Park area. One of the most popular areas in Fresno, we knew that the competition would be tough as we searched for a home that checked all the boxes.

We hit the ground running looking for a single story home with an open concept floorplan, a large lot, and a pool. We searched high and low, wrote multiple offers, but nothing was quite sticking. Fast forward to walking in to a gorgeous home in the heart of the Woodward Park area (spoiler alert— it is now theirs!), and Rodney and Jayme knew instantly that it was the one. It had floor to ceiling windows overlooking the perfectly manicured backyard— complete with sparkling pool, large grassy area, and even a gorgeous pond with mermaid statue (the kids favorite part!). We wrote the strongest offer we could and crossed our fingers. I received the dreaded rejection email a few days later that the seller chose to go with a higher offer. Rodney and Jayme were disappointed but kept their heads up as we kept searching.

Every home we walked into after that home just didn't seem to measure up. As we toured house after house, the kids kept saying “we like the mermaid house… what about the mermaid house?”. I felt their pain. The mermaid house truly felt like “the one that got away”. As fate and the mermaid God’s would have it, a few weeks later the mermaid home came back on the market and we had another shot to make an offer.. Second time must be the charm because the next day we received the green light that the seller took Rodney and Jayme’s offer and we opened up escrow that very day.

Three weeks later I was able to hand this sweet family keys to the home they fell in love with. It is bright, cheery, and full of joy just like their beautiful family.

Cheers guys!

XO Mack