Lesson 3: Balance


Grind it out. Hustle hard.

All or nothing. No days off.

These were words and phrases that I lived by in my first few years of selling real estate. I am an achiever (enneagram 3’s unite!) by nature. I love love love progress and being able to look at where I’m at and reverse engineer my way to my goal. But after a few years in the business with my foot permanently stuck to the throttle, I started to feel the dreaded burn out. I learned the hard way the importance of balance and have come a long way from that no days off, 22-year-old-me 🤪

Here are some tips that have helped me achieve some balance between work and life:

—TAKING A DAY OFF. This was completely foreign to me in Year 3 of my business. I worked everyday. I thought it was just part of who I was. But as I claimed a true Sabbath day to rest and refocus on God and my spiritual life, I noticed that I was showing up as a better ME on the days I did work. Who knew a day off could actually make you MORE productive?!

—PRACTICE YOGA. I love working out. But I noticed that a lot of my workouts were “results” driven. If I didn’t burn 500 calories in an hour I would be disappointed in myself. When I started to practice yoga it was so hard to quiet my mind. But as I kept showing up to my mat I was able to lean in to this uncomfortable act of getting quiet and started gaining so much valuable insight as to how I actually was doing on a heart level. My practice helped me to create space to just BE. Powerful stuff people.

—FOLLOWING THE PACE OF GRACE. This is the #1 thing that has helped me maintain balance in my life. The pace of grace is the rate of movement, progress, and growth that God sets and supernaturally provides for. I watched this sermon by one of my favorite pastors Michael Todd about following the pace that God sets for us. Not our own pace. Not the pace of society. Not the pace of our coworkers. But OUR pace. Click here for a link to the sermon. p.s. Get ready for your world to be rocked.

While I have for sure not “arrived” in this area, I hope these tips will help you in your walk.